Welcome to Harvest Church!
  • Faithful Teaching: We prioritize faithful teaching of the Word, guiding individuals towards a deeper understanding of God’s truth and the practical application of the Bible in our daily lives.


  • All Worship and Glory to God: Our community is committed to giving all worship and glory to God and not to any man, recognizing His sovereignty and grace in our lives.


  • An Inclusive Welcome: We embrace all individuals to come as they are, acknowledging that salvation is through grace alone, by faith alone, in Christ alone, apart from any human effort. We are ALL sinners in desperate need of a savior.


  • Gathered Community: We believe that the essence of the Church does not lie in a building or brand, nor solely in prayer, praise, worship, reading, and teaching of the Word, but in the gathering of believers as the body of Christ, engaging in these activities together. 


  • Rich Missionary History: With a rich history in supporting missions globally, we actively engage in practical, individual service and discipleship locally.